Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Mumbai under siege

Gårsdagens bombeangreb mod lokaltog i Mumbai har I nok alle hørt om nu. Vi var ikke selv tæt på bomberne, men har fulgt angrebene på nært hold i nyhederne på TV og på Internettet. En meget skræmmende oplevelse, som alle her i byen gerne ville have været foruden. Men de lokale er vant til sådanne angreb, som senest i august og december 2003 dræbte mange mennesker i angreb fordelt over flere dage, i både Delhi og Mumbai. De lokale tager situationen med ophøjet ro, og godt humør. Stemningen på kontoret var ikke anderledes i dag end alle andre dage. Indholdet af nedenstående tekst, som blev sendt rundt i dag pr. e-mail, fortæller netop om befolkningens holdning til disse angreb.


Dear Terrorist,
Even if you are not reading this we don't care. Time and again you tried to disturb us and disrupt our life - killing innocent civilians by planting bombs in trains, buses and cars. You have tried hard to bring death and destruction, cause panic and fear and create communal disharmony but every time you were disgustingly unsuccessful. Do you know how we pass our life in Mumbai? How much it takes for us to earn that single rupee? If you wanted to give us a shock then we are sorry to say that you failed miserably in your ulterior motives. Better look elsewhere, not here. We are not Hindus and Muslims or Gujaratis and Marathis or Punjabis and Bengaliies. Nor do we distinguish ourselves as owners or workers, govt. employees or private employees. WE ARE MUMBAIKERS (Bombay-ites, if youlike). We will not allow you to disrupt our life like this. On the last few occasions when you struck (including the 7 deadly blasts in a single day killing over 250 people and injuring 500+ in 1993), we went to work next day in full strength. This time we cleared everything within a few hours and were back to normal - the vendors placing their next order, businessmen finalizing the next deals and the office workers rushing to catch the next train (Yes the same train you targeted). Fathom this: Within 3 hours of the blasts, long queues of blood donating volunteers were seen outside various hospitals, where most of the injured were admitted. By 12 midnight, the hospitals had to issue a notification that blood banks were full and they didn't require any more blood. The next day, attendance at schools and office was close to 100%, trains and buses were packed to the brim, and the crowds were back. The city has simply dusted itself off and moved one - perhaps with greater vigor.We are Mumbaikers and we live like brothers in times like this. So, do not dare to threaten us with your crackers. The spirit of Mumbai is very strong and can not be harmed. Please forward this to others. U never know, by chance it may come to hands of a terrorist in Afghanistan, Pakistan or Iraq and he can then read this message which is specially meant for him!!!
With Love,
From the people of Mumbai (Bombay)


At 1:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

God tekst…. Utroligt gå-på-mod de har de Indere :o)

At 12:41 AM, Blogger Stine & Thomas said...

Ja, inderne er ikke sådan at skræmme. Det er modigt må man sige, men jeg er bange for det skyldes naivitet, egenrådighed og egoisme mere end det skyldes styrke og egentlig accept at truslen. :o)
Anyway...det går herligt herude.




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